Friday 21 November 2008


This post would be different to all previouse ones, i have done so far.

Yestarday on the 20th of November, our class from Financial Media and Communication EBS, visited Bloomberg Terminal in the City. I found this expirience very interesting and fulfilling.

Firstly, i would like to say that i have not heard about Bloomberg before i started doing Finance in EBS,London. However, when i first looked at their website, it did not fascinate me. Therefore, that visit changed my whole perception about them.

I want to start from explaining their building and the way people work their. From the outside, the building looks like all others in the city, but when i came inside, i was shocked. Everything is high-tech and "open". People dont have separate offices their,everyone seats next to each other, and as we were told by the HR manager, a person who is doing an internship their can be found seatting next to the executive manager. The organizational structure is very flat,hence the information flows very easily from one department to another one. Each department has their own floor, although, they are all inter-linked and the communication is inevitable part of the working day between departments. Also, i found out that they take interns to work for 8-10 weeks only during summer, no internship is available in the winter. In order to get a working experience there, some serious procedures are taking place. As we were told by Stephen Duso-Bauduin who is one of the employees at Bloomberg, in order to get a place for the internship there, CV, cover letter, recommenadtion letters have to be sent and the interview is to the same extent hard and important as if you want to work at the company full-time. Reasons behind it, is that Bloomberg considers interns ,in case of available positions , to work in the organization full-time. Moreover, he stated that any experience at Bloomberg is an extraodinary opportunity to gain more knowledge about the way Financial information flows and presented in their terminal.

There is so much i can tell about that visit, but the most important thing is that i decided to apply their for the job. I have been told that Bloomberg needs more russian-speakers...Therefore if anyone is interested, go for it and Good Luck!

P.S. I never though before that i would even consider working in the Financial sector, and look at me now i am wiiling to try.

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